Wild Spirit: Horses in Art


January 17, 2015 – June 1, 2015

The Wildling Museum collaborated with Return to Freedom Wild Horse Sanctuary to produce an exhibition of the art of wild horses, and celebrating the wild spirit in all horses. The exhibition featured historic and contemporary art of horses in a variety of mediums: paintings, drawings, mosaics, photographs, sculptures, and prints.  Both local and nationally regarded artists were featured in this unique exhibition.

Humans have always been inspired by the power and beauty of horses. Some of the earliest depictions of horses are from Lascaux Cave in France dating to over 17,000 years ago.

Virtually wherever humans and horses have intersected has resulted in equine art. In ancient Greece and Rome horses were depicted as heroically as any god or goddess.

Likely first used as a food source, current available research suggests that humans began domesticating horses 6000-5000 years ago in the Eurasian Steppes, using them for food, transportation, agriculture and warfare. But unlike other animals used by humans (cattle, goats, oxen, sheep), the innate grace and beauty of horses has always transfixed humankind.