Poetry with musical accompaniment, Allen Koehn and Teresa McNeil MacLean


Poetry by Allen Koehn with musical accompaniment by Teresa McNeil MacLean

Sunday July 29 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm

Allen Koehn, poet and author of “Dancing At The Threshold“, is a native Californian, raised in Hollywood, but that's a story of its own. His journey took him to Princeton Seminary, a Master of Divinity degree, and a number of years as a Presbyterian pastor. He found he liked the counseling aspect of his work, and so he went back to school at Fuller Seminary and earned a Doctor of Ministry in counseling. Private practice as a therapist was very satisfying and led to training as a Jungian analyst. For a number of years, he was the Executive Director of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. From there, he served on the faculty of the Masters in Counseling program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara from which he retired in 2016. He now serves as Emeritus Professor. He lives in Los Olivos, California with his wife, artist Rebecca Gomez. He continues to have a small private practice, which Allen loves.  

Teresa McNeil MacLean has described and displayed her unique perceptions of the natural world in poetry and art for over 45 years; a lifelong guitarist, she has also written songs for the past 15 years.  She has taught poetry workshops in local elementary schools for 30 years through Arts Outreach and California Poets in the Schools.