Landscapes from the Permanent Collection: Summer 2017

The Wildling Museum of Art and Nature has a small and diverse permanent art collection.  The works in this exhibition are the majority of our painting collection with a few of our special prints included.  Almost all of the works were received as gifts, for which we are very grateful. Works date from as early as 1918 to the 2010s and represent sweeping vistas like Henry Breuer’s large panoramic painting to more intimate moments, like Ray Strong’s small canvas of a flowering plum tree.

Artists have been inspired by nature for millennia and were a key factor in the preservation of wilderness spaces in America which eventually led to the founding of our national park system.

Today’s artists continue to inspire their communities.  Regional artists like Meredith Abbott and Larry Iwerks, both represented in this show and members of the locally esteemed Oak Group, capture the local landscape and a desire to save open spaces in our tri-county area.

Ray Strong, Eleanor's Plum Tree

Ray Strong, Eleanor's Plum Tree

Henry J. Breuer, From the Lowest to the Highest

Henry J. Breuer, From the Lowest to the Highest