Everett Ruess Painting Donated to the Wildling Museum

A watercolor painting by young wilderness explorer Everett Ruess was donated to the permanent collection at the Wildling Museum by art collectors and Wildling founding board members Marlene and Warren Miller.  

The watercolor depicts a coastal scene likely to be that of the Monterey area which Ruess also depicted in the linoleum block prints for which he is better known. The watercolor, dated 1932, is an exciting complement to the collection of 26 block prints already owned by the Wildling—donated many years ago by Arlington Gallery. The watercolor painting and the Wildling’s collection of block prints are on display now at the Museum until July 14, 2014.

Ruess was an artistic prodigy who loved his solo explorations of the wilderness. He died in 1934 at the age of 20 when he disappeared into the Utah wilderness—his body was never found. He left behind an impressive body of quickly evolving work—his primary medium was block prints, although he also enjoyed photography and painting. He also enjoyed writing and poetry.

Wildling founding board members Marlene and Warren Miller have placed on consignment with the Wildling a complete set of the block prints made in 1986 from Ruess’ reconstructed linoleum blocks. Only 50 sets were made from the historic blocks and the Wildling will be selling edition number 26 of the twenty-four images. For a limited time, the entire set will be available for sale. If it is not sold as a complete set, then the prints will be sold individually. For details call 805-686-8315. The Wildling will receive 40% of the sale as a donation.