Carrizo Plain National Monument Group Tour


This tour was a visit to the unique and beautiful Carrizo Plain, touring Soda Lake and learning about the plants, animals, and geology of the San Joaquin Valley.  Local artist John Iwerks joined the group to share his experiences living in Carrizo while painting a wildlife mural of this special natural area. Bring a picnic lunch or purchase food on the way to dine al fresco. Hosted by Wildling Museum of Art & Nature.

The Carrizo Plain, which is approximately 50 miles long and 15 miles wide, is home to thirteen different endangered species—making it the largest population center for endangered species in our state. It is also the single largest remaining grassland in the state of California as well as the largest protected area for birds anywhere along the Pacific Flyway (which stretches from Alaska to South America). Its national monument status will help to protect this incredible habitat for generations to come. Likewise, the Endangered Species Act (signed into law in 1973) helps to ensure the survivability of the species that live here, just like it has helped protect (and bring back) the Bald Eagle, Grizzly Bear, Southern Sea Otter, Humpback Whales and many others.

The 2019 Day Trips Collaboration

This day trip was part on an ongoing collaborative effort to bring cultural opportunities to residents of Santa Barbara County. The day trips in this set were to The Broad, Carrizo Plain National Monument, The Getty Center, and a Channel Islands Wildlife Cruz. Transportation and administration services provided by Buellton and Solvang Parks and Recreation. Marketing and tour guides provided by the Elverhøj Museum of History & Art and Wildling Museum of Art & Nature.