Request for Proposals - 2023 Michele Kuelbs Tower Gallery Installation

Apply Now for the 2023 Michele Kuelbs Tower Gallery Installation

On view May 2023 - March 2024

Application Deadline: March 1, 2023

Kerrie Smith, Portals & Pathways, 2022

Holli Harmon, The Nature of Clouds, 2021

Kerrie Smith, Portals & Pathways, 2022

Holli Harmon, The Nature of Clouds, 2021

Open to artists in Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, Ventura County, or Los Angeles County

Michele Kuelbs Tower Installation Overview:

The Wildling Museum of Art and Nature inspires stewardship of the environment through our art exhibitions and programs. In 2019, we converted our tower space into an art installation space. Each year, we will commission an artist or group to install a creative, environmentally-themed art installation in the space.

The Michele Kuelbs Tower Gallery is available to our museum guests during our regular open hours, but is visible 24/7 through several large windows. It is also located at a major intersection with a traffic light in the village of Solvang, which is about 40 minutes north of the City of Santa Barbara.

The tower space has become both a creative space and one of our best marketing tools with high visibility to the 1.5 million visitors (on average) who travel to Solvang annually.

Project Summary

Our 10-month-long 2023 installation will focus on our oceans with an underwater theme, and should explore an environmental topic or issue—whether climate change, plastic pollution, overfishing, or similar.

Download full request for proposals to learn more and apply.

Application deadline is March 1, 2023.