Featured Local Artist | Debbie MacInnis

August 2022 - January 2023 in the Wildling Museum Store


Debbie MacInnis, Flower Arising, Eco-print on watercolor paper with metallic enhancements, 24 x 18 inches, Available for purchase

Debbie MacInnis, Don't Leave Me, Cactus skeleton in velvet-lined shadow box, 14 x 11 inches, Available for purchase


Enjoy new eco-printed and natural material artworks created by Santa Barbara-based artist Debbie MacInnis in the Wildling Museum Store from August 2022 - January 2023!

More than 15 framed eco-prints and cacti artworks are now available, along with a variety of eco-printed scarves, greeting cards, and mousepads. Explore works in person during your next visit, or click here for available inventory in our online store.

Debbie MacInnis | Artist Statement

Artist Debbie MacInnis

Debbie MacInnis is a Santa Barbara, CA resident who creates original art from plants that thrive in Southern California. Many pieces are creating using a process called eco-printing. This process uses live plant materials that are placed onto natural fibers – silk or watercolor paper. The fibers are first prepared to allow the image of the plant to be “released” on the fiber when the fiber is subjected to heat and pressure. The color of the image depends on (1) the type of plant material (many will not print), (2) how the fibers are prepared, (3) the time of year when the plant materials are harvested, and (4) whether the fibers are colored before or after printing using natural dyes or other coloring materials.

 MacInnis also creates wall art using dead or dying cacti. The cacti are meticulously stripped of organic material so as to reveal the cactus’ delicate, intricate, skeletal system. All pieces are unique, and one-of-a-kind.